My short story "World War III Doesn't Last Long," about a young woman in Brooklyn desperately trying to find her girlfriend after a nuclear disaster, was chosen by editor JoSelle Vanderhooft as one of the best lesbian speculative fiction stories published in 2010 and included in Heiresses of Russ 2011: The Year's Best Lesbian Speculative Fiction (published by Lethe Press.) The story was originally published in Collective Fallout, a queer-themed science fiction magazine.

My queer zombie love story “Survs” was also published by Collective Fallout in 2013 and can be read here:

In 2016, the fun but short-lived Hudson Valley Transmitter published my homage to Octavia Butler, “Symbiosis Desperado.” I don’t think you can find it anywhere but I took a few photos because it was illustrated.

Blog posts are very ephemeral, but one guest post I wrote still exists:



Dreaming In Books hosted a week-and-a-half long LGBTQ Voices extravaganza in honor or Day Of Silence. (Day Of Silence happens once a year, when students take a vow of silence to draw attention to homophobic bullying and harassment.) I was very honored to get to do a guest post among august company like Malinda Lo, Nancy Garden, Brent Hartinger, Catherine Ryan Hyde, and Cheryl Rainfield. My post was about giving LGBTQ fictional powers that the world is trying to deny queer teens.

Now, you may think this last one is scraping the bottom of the barrel, but I have to say that I was thrilled to pieces when my letter was published in The New York Times.