Books and people that are 100

My local newspaper, the Highlands Current, asked to interview me, really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Unless there's some late breaking arts and culture news in Beacon, Cold Spring, Garrison or environs, I think it will come out on Friday. The writer, Alison Rooney, was very nice and asked me a lot of thought-provoking questions. In particular, she asked me what I was working on lately, and when I said I had been reviewing the books of 1916, she wanted to know where these reviews could be found. I realized then that I had been too furtive to ever mention this project here on my website. But I'm coming clean about it now: I like to review the books of a hundred years ago, here. Alison also thoughtfully came up with an idea for a novel for me to write: a person who reviews the books of a hundred years ago makes disparaging remarks about a long-dead writer and then is haunted by the ghost of that writer. (I know just what writer it would be, too: Stella Benson.)

We also talked a little bit about Olivia de Havilland and how amazing she is. Because she is 100 years old and her time left on this earth may be somewhat limited, I would like to appreciate Olivia de Havilland while she is still alive, so my next blog post will be a round-up of some of her movies. I'm going to try to watch two per week for the next seven weeks. I've picked out my favorites plus a few I've never seen. We'll see if I can keep up with this grueling schedule, but whatever the results are, I'll share them with you. I think I'm going to watch them in reverse chronological order, beginning with Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte and ending with A Midsummer Night's Dream, but there might be some logistical reason for me to deviate from that course. I guess I could go alphabetically instead. I also plan to interview an Olivia de Havilland superfan. So although I don't want to oversell it, I do anticipate this will be my greatest blog post of all time.